Job offers

Postdoc positions

Ikerbasque Research Fellows 2025

Destination: Ikerbasque
Deadline: 20/05/2025

kerbasque – the Basque Foundation for Science, has launched a new call offering 15 positions for postdoctoral researchers. These positions are financed by the Basque Government, the European Comission and the host institution where the researcher will develop their research: therefore the acceptance letter of the host institution is mandatory.

These five year Fellowships are directed to promising young researchers; they are intended to offer a track towards a PI role and independent research. The selected Fellows should be able to acquire the necessary skills for a research leader role. Ikerbasque is committed to offer a long-term career to the research community: Fellows in their 5th year can be assessed for a permanent position.

The applicants must have their PhD completed between 01/01/2014 and 31/12/2022.

Applications from women are especially welcomed. The eligibility period will be extended under special circumstances such as maternity.

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 101034228.

PhD positions

Theory of open quantum systems, decoherence, and quantum thermodynamics

Destination: Theoretical Physics Dept., Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Deadline: 30/08/2025

The Group of Quantum Information and Quantum Computation of Complutense University of Madrid is offering a predoctoral research position to undertake a PhD in «Theory of open quantum systems, decoherence, and quantum thermodynamics». These cutting-edge areas bridge fundamental concepts in physics with emerging applications in quantum technologies.

What is the project about?
The study of open quantum systems focuses on understanding how quantum systems interact with their environment, a critical aspect in the design and control of real-world quantum devices. Decoherence is one of the greatest challenges for implementing quantum computing and other systems based on quantum physics, as well as for understanding the quantum-to-classical transition, as it describes how quantum properties are lost due to environmental effects. Quantum thermodynamics aims to extend classical concepts such as energy, work, and entropy into the quantum domain, unveiling new laws and possibilities that could revolutionize our understanding of nature.

This project is oriented toward researching the dynamics and thermodynamics of strongly open quantum systems, which are systems that interact strongly with their environment. Specifically, it aims to develop efficient methods to describe the dynamics of these systems—where standard perturbative techniques are inadequate—and to formulate thermodynamic laws within this context.

The topic has profound implications in areas such as:
– Fundamental physics: Exploring the boundaries between quantum mechanics and thermodynamics, with potential implications for other fields in physics.
– Quantum information: Understanding and manipulating information and its physical properties in the quantum realm.
– Quantum technologies: Discovering new quantum phenomena to design advanced technological devices optimized for error resistance.

We seek a candidate with:
– A solid background in theoretical physics and mathematics.
– Preferable knowledge in quantum mechanics, quantum information, quantum
field theory, statistical mechanics, or related areas.
– A strong academic record, motivation, and interest in learning and
contributing in a multidisciplinary research environment.

We offer:
– A Phd contract to develop a PhD thesis within a dynamic and leading research group.
– Opportunities for international collaboration with renowned research groups and participation in high-impact projects.
– Additional funding for attending conferences, workshops, and summer schools in advanced quantum physics and related areas.
– Training in advanced research techniques and tools.
– Participation in a collaborative and stimulating research environment that fosters creativity and idea exchange.
– High-impact research opportunities: The project addresses fundamental questions about the limits of quantum physics, the origins of decoherence, and the interplay between information, entropy, and energy. These topics are deeply connected to frontier conceptual problems while also ensuring practical applications.

You can find below some reviews of the group’s work in related areas:

Potential candidates are asked to send an email to Prof. Ángel Rivas with the subject «PhD Application» including:
1. A brief motivation statement
2. An academic transcript, including grades
3. A curriculum vitae
4. Contact details of two referees who can provide recommendation letters

The review of applications will continue until the position is filled. Inquiries regarding this position can be sent to

Prof. Ángel Rivas
Departamento de Fisica Teorica
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
28040 Madrid, Spain.
Tel. +34 913944569

Quantum Information Transfer in Quantum Dot Arrays: Effects of AC-Driving

Destination: Novel Platforms and Nano-devices for Quantum Simulation and Computation, ICMM, CSIC
Deadline: 15/04/2025

The PhD project deals with the development of theoretical models and protocols

to transfer quantum information between qubits in various setups. It focusses on
the impact of spin-orbit interaction and AC driving fields, as well on the coupling
of distant qubits by means of quantum cavities in which photons transfer the
information. The PhD student will learn theoretical modelling and tools to
investigate light-matter interactions, entanglement, spin-photon interactions
mediated by spin-orbit coupling, Floquet theory in both the classical and the
quantum regime, as well as techniques for quantum transport and dissipation
based on density matrices.
The PhD student will be integrated in our group at the Instituto de Ciencia de
Materiales de Madrid (ICMM-CSIC): Novel Platforms and Nano-devices for
Quantum Simulation and Computation, see It is
located at the UAM Campus with its huge activty in solid-state physics. The host
team has many collaborations with internationally recognized research groups.
The PhD student will participate in the scientific activities of our group and the
ICMM as well as in international schools, and will be offered stays at
international research centers and conferences, which allows scientific network-
ing and collaborations. He or she will be introduced to the topical field of
quantum technologies, in particular quantum computation, information, and
simulation, Floquet theory, quantum transport theory and spin qubits.
The PhD project is financed by a grant of the Spanish Ministry of Science,
Innovation, and Universities. It has a duration of 4 years.

Two PhD Positions in Quantum Information and Thermodynamics at UAB

Destination: Quantum Information Group (GIQ) at the Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB)
Deadline: 30/04/2025

Two PhD positions offered within the ATRAE Project: “Taming Dissipation in Open Quantum Systems: Applications in Information Processing”, led by Martí Perarnau-Llobet. The project lies at the interface of quantum stochastic thermodynamics, open quantum systems, and quantum information. Possible topics include: Optimal thermodynamic control, Thermodynamic computing, and Quantum sensing in open systems.

Details on the position and application process at:

PhD and postdoc positions in Topological Quantum Optics

Destination: Condensed Matter Physics Center (IFIMAC-UAM)
Deadline: 30/04/2025

We offer a 2.5 year contract for either a PhD student or a postdoctoral researcher (different conditions apply) to analyze quantum dynamics in different impurity models. The focus of the project is to investigate phenomena typical of quantum optical systems, such as emission of quasiparticles, scattering, or formation of bound states, in order to establish similarities and differences with more conventional quantum emitter systems.